There are a couple of very interesting posts on the ABC website about the environment. Firstly, the story about Professor Garnaut's call to have intelligent discussions about the climate change debate and get on board with the program. "Professor Garnaut called the climate change debate "a contest between knowledge and ignorance". ( - The link is below
The second post is about the Tarkine which I have blogged about before. Action needs to be taken to save the Tarkine from a Melbourne-based resources company testing the viability of mining for magnesite in north-west Tasmania .
Dougal has decided that I am not paying enough attention to him. Last night, after finishing in the study at about 8pm'ish, we sat down to watch a favourite movie to relax the mind. Well from the moment the movie started he decided to play ball, to run around barking at the trees swaying in the breeze and generally make his presence felt. He achieved. I knew he was there. I told him so. And a great night was had by all! We are friends again this morning and he is now snugly sitting behind me on the chair, or rather , I am perched on the end to accomodate him...we are friends:)
Study. I enjoy it. I hate it. I am wounded by not achieving what I want to. And I do this voluntarily. But. We are about to enter week 7 of the course, only 5 left to go and then the exams. But. I figure that if I make it that far I know I will survive the exam period. Conversations with myself are not always this interesting:) I think its time to go shopping (sigh) no gotta study...
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