Monday, March 14, 2011

Early post for Tuesday

I am still finding the coverage on the current carbon tax debate ‘not quite riveting’, particularly in light of the terrible disaster that has struck Japan.  I am not saying that the earthquake and the tsunami are related to climate change but if you are interested in why we need to move forward, now, with the implementation of renewable technology, and not just keep on debating the issue, have a look at the following link for the Copenhagen Diagnosis Report available at  

I took the above photo of a beach near me and it is one of the reasons I keep banging on about the environment - I would like my grandchildren to still be able to enjoy it when they are old and grey:):):)

Poem for the day


She sits alone

frightened, in the fading light.

The tree stump, now as the sun dies

grows cold and damp.

The fields, losing their early friendship,

recede and merge with the blackness.

No-one had come looking for her.

How deeply she had hoped.

Her mother’s words,

sharp edges

clashing with each other inside her brain.

Their cuts deeply riven across her heart.

Words, only words.

But how else could the girl understand

“don’t ever come back again”?

head hung in shame

innocence not strong enough to fight

for her childhood, her tears dripped away with the shreds.©

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